Showcase your next-gen Beauty Tech solutions for a chance to collaborate with L'Oréal and revolutionize the way beauty moves the world.
The Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Program is L’Oréal SAPMENA’s inaugural open innovation venture, featuring a startup competition and pilot stage. Spanning countries across South Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and North Africa (SAPMENA), it aims to identify innovative startups that can help propel L’Oréal’s Beauty Tech ambition by co-creating solutions for the future.


ApplicationsFeb Kickstart your journey by submitting your application. Qualified startups will be notified and invited to the next round of interviews -
DeadlineMay Applications close at the end of May, with the shortlisting process starting in the following 3-5 weeks -
ApplicationsJune L’Oréal will select 10 startups from each region, totaling 40 startups for the regional semi-finals -
Semi-FinalAug - Sep Out of the regional top 40 startups, 10 will advance to the Grand Finale -
FinaleNov 10 finalists from the SAPMENA region will pitch their solutions at the Grand Finale in Singapore, where the top 3 startups will be announced
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After the submission deadline, all applications will be reviewed by a panel of evaluators and experts.
Once evaluated, 10 startups from each region will be to pitch virtually at the regional semi-finals.
Shortlisted startups will be notified 3-5 weeks prior to their respective regional semi-finals.
We will select up to 10 startup finalists from the regional semi-finals to advance to the Grand Finale, which will take place in Singapore, – the home of L’Oréal SAPMENA
Please refer to T&Cs
Leading the change in Beauty Tech
The challenge will focus on these 5 key themes:

Trip to Singapore, home of L’Oréal SAPMENA (T&Cs apply) and inside tour of L’Oréal SAPMENA’s brands, functions, and facilities

L'Oréal-funded co-pilot opportunity with L'Oréal SAPMENA markets and brands

Access to the network and resources of the world's biggest beauty company

Personalized mentorship with key L'Oréal experts, leaders, and partners

We are looking for novel yet proven solutions that are technology-driven and are backed by an existing customer base.

We want businesses with a stable and scalable model that can bring immense growth opportunities across our wide array of brands and markets.

We want startups with a sustainable mindset and ideally, sustainable practices in place.

Impact on L'Oréal
We are looking for effective solutions that solve important problems for L'Oréal in significant ways.

Is there an application fee or participation fee?
No, there is no application fee or participation fee.
What are the eligibility criteria?
Although L’Oréal SAPMENA seeks early to mid-stage start-ups that fit the challenge themes, the Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Program encourages applications from companies at all stages of fundraising.
Preference during the shortlisting process will be given to companies with transformative potential that will benefit the most from the Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Program curriculum and strategic partner mentorship. Startups of any size and stage are welcome to apply if they fit the needs and criteria that L’Oréal SAPMENA are looking for. You can see the criteria here
We are looking forward to leveraging advanced technology across the industry to help the development of Beauty Tech. If your technology is mature and you have already thought and considered the value that the beauty industry can bring, L’Oréal is experienced to accelerate the transformation of cross-industry technology; if not, we can explore together based on the platform L’Oréal provides.
What should I include in my pitch deck?
Your application will capture necessary details about your startup and the submission proposal will outline the challenge statement/s you are responding to, your proposal for L’Oréal as well as relevant examples and use cases. Make sure that your application and pitch deck answer all the selection criteria. You are required to submit a 2-minute video. The final pitch deck that you use for this application and the one you can use at the semi-final or final events may be different.
Here are the points we recommend including in your deck:
1. Problem / Unmet Need
2. Market Information
3. Your Solution / Technology Overview: include product photo or rendering and expected Beauty Tech outcomes
4. Competitive Advantage / Differentiation
5. Validation
6. Value Proposition / Beauty Tech Economics
7. Business model, Reimbursement Strategy (if applicable)
8. IP Status: include broadest claims sought
9. Key Milestones / Timeline for go-to-market: include funding required to achieve each milestone point
10. Summary, including Value Proposition
11. Team: photos with logos below from companies they have worked for previously
12. Advisors / Partners: photos with logos below from companies they work for currently
Where is this program held?
The regional semi-finals are held online for the Middle East, India region, Australia and New Zealand region and Southeast Asia region. The grand finale is an in-person event held in Singapore in 5 November 2025.
More details on the location of the event are available on the full timeline here
What if I don’t meet all the criteria?
The goal of the Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Program is to provide L’Oréal SAPMENA with a solution that accomplishes all business unit objectives described on the challenge pages. Finalists will be expected to, at minimum, demo a prototype of a solution that accomplishes all criteria by the end of the program. If your current business/product does not accomplish all objectives, applications, and features described on the challenge page, you will be expected to elaborate on your plan to fill these gaps during the PoC proposal phase. This typically involves a collaborative proposal with other parties or a plan for how you will allocate a lean pilot budget toward product development. So, if you do not currently satisfy all criteria, but you are willing and able to solve for the gaps during your demo preparation and pilot period through strategic partnerships and/or product development, then please apply!
How do you evaluate applications?
Product readiness: see the challenge pages for specific feature requirements and business objectives. Strong applications will satisfy most or all of these criteria. Business maturity: Applicants should be revenue generating with the resource capacity (team and runway) to work with their first commercial partner. Traction in commercial environments will be viewed favorably, but is not required. Outside investment raised will be viewed favorably, but is not required. Team: The application will favor teams who have multiple founders, founders with experience working/piloting in commercial environments, and technical founders. Brand story: Businesses with a brand that aligns with L’Oréal’s values of sustainability, diversity, equity and inclusion will be viewed favorably, but this is not a requirement.
When is the deadline to apply?
You must have your application submitted by 30 May 2025, 11:59PM Singapore Time (GMT+8).
Who judges the submissions?
The judges will be a range of L’Oréal brand, business and domain experts across the problem statement themes and relevant technologies.
What kind of assistance is provided to help prepare for the Semi-Final or Grand Finale?
All semi-finalists and finalists will have the opportunity to attend a pitch training and preparation session, including one-to-one coaching.
Is the information shared kept confidential?
The personnel and experts involved in the organization and evaluation of the competition are committed to treating all matters confidentially. For more information, please check the T&Cs .
How will I know if I advance to the next phase?
We will respond to all applicants on advancement decisions in each phase.
Will L’Oréal own the intellectual property (IP) developed by my company during the program? Can I still sell to other customers?
You will retain ownership of the IP developed by your company during the program. However, there may be some non-compete terms to be agreed on in the post-program negotiation phase. This may include a list of direct competitors in the region with whom L’Oréal limits its vendors from doing business.